Are we close to getting our pre-pandemic life back? ‘Not too soon’ according to experts.
“There’s this deep yearning to go back to the way things were, but I’m sorry: There isn’t going to be any normal anymore. Everything is going to be abnormal going forward,” said Thomas Homer-Dixon, director of the Royal Roads University-based Cascade Institute, a research centre that looks into the convergence of the world’s environmental, economic, political, technological and health crises.
The importance of getting tested should continuously be promoted, especially now as we’re slowly getting back on our feet, because it is an essential aspect of our so-called “New Normal.” COVID-19 testing is already considered a requirement to local or international travel and even in employment.
According to an article by the National Institute of Aging, “testing of all people for SARS-CoV-2, including those who have no symptoms, who show symptoms of infection...and who may have been exposed to the virus will help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by identifying people who are in need of care in a timely fashion.”
To push the testing agenda further, International Sanitization and Protection Suppliers (ISPS) is offering a 3-day RT-PCR testing schedule per week that will be available every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at our clinic in Pampanga.
We aim to make testing more accessible as it is vital to the current situation of our society. COVID-19 has greatly affected our livelihood and everyday routine and it’s time we put a stop to it by encouraging others to get tested on a regular basis.
According to the Department of Health (DOH), “RT-PCR testing remains to be the gold standard for confirming the presence of SARS-CoV-2.” The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that RT-PCR is one type of molecular diagnostic test that can detect if a person has an active COVID-19 infection. FDA also mentioned that “samples for diagnostic tests are typically collected with a nasal or throat swab, or saliva collected by spitting into a tube.”
Saliva RT-PCR is a new testing method that is also available now at ISPS. It is an alternative to the usual RT-PCR test, but the sampling method is less invasive because it is saliva-based, which means one will only need to spit in a sterile vial. Having said that, this type of test is a suggested method for the elderly, children and those with medical conditions.
An ISPS collection officer will obtain the vial once the patient is done, label it with the patient's name, date, and time of collection, then it will be stored before transferring the sample to a DOH-accredited laboratory for processing. The patient’s result will be provided via email.
The rates of our RT-PCR (swab) and RT-PCR (saliva) tests are the following:

Our clinic also has a new mobile service with a 24/7 schedule. This heeds the call of our clients who are only available for testing after regular working hours.

If you’re ready to get tested, you may visit our testing site in Central Luzon located at FG Jocson Building, 1st Street, Balibago Angeles City or schedule an appointment via our new mobile service.
Contact us today or visit our Facebook for more information:
Phone: 0917 861 3850